SCU Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board is the Supreme Governing Body of the SCU, which generates a strategic vision for the directions and plans of its development at the national and international levels, taking into account global trends and Ukrainian realities.


The Supervisory Board is composed of authoritative experts of the international level who participate in the work of SCU as members of the International Jury and/or International Expert Panels, representatives of investment funds and companies, ideologues of innovative development of Ukraine's economy.


In the future, the Supervisory Board will be formed and approved by the general meeting of the SCU following the Statute of SCU (Statute is being developed).


The General Meeting of the Supervisory Board of Sikorsky Challenge Ukraine is held at least once a year during the International Sikorsky Challenge Festival, however it may be held more often at the initiative of the Chairman of the Board or its members.


The current collaboration of SCU participants with members of the Supervisory Board keeps during the year through personal meetings, consultations, discussions, telephone, video talks, etc. 


 SCU Supervisory Board:


Vic Korsun.

Chairman of the juri.

Research Manager, Associate Vice President of Technology Transfer at Drexel University and Hahnemann Medical MCP. Vice President of the David Sarnoff Research Center. (USA)

Michael Zgurovsky.

Academician of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. SCU Supervisor.

Alexander Bornyakov.

Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine (Ukraine)

Gregory Jarosch.

Trend Consulting (Australia)

David Arie.

CEO and Founder

Transfotech LTD. Chairman of the Board of the NGO" High Tech Embassy "(Israel)

Li Lumin.

CEO of Golden Egg Technology (P.R.China)

Krzysztof Lontka.

Manager, expert, innovation coach (Poland).

Dr. Mustafa Babanli.

PhD, Rector of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University. (Azerbaijan)

Dr. Vlad E. Genin.

PhD, Professor of Management and Engineering, General Editor, Stanford University book "Anatomy of Defense Conversion", f. Program Chief, Morrison Institute, Stanford University, Fulbright Specialist, Chair, School of Business/IT, University of Phoenix/Silicon Valley, Plenipotentiary Representative of Higher Education Academy of Sciences to the U.N., Executive Advisor to President (USA)